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The Big Idea

The reason I chose to do this interactive demonstration is to see the how the spine is affected by sour. Each person in my class had to fill out a survey. The survey included a chart describing sourness 0-5 and how the spine was affected 0-5 as seen to the left. Go to the Sour Bomb Effect page to see how my interactive demonstration affected my willing lab subjects.

Mixture #1 course:

Average sour rate- 3.75

Average spine affect- 3.25

Mixture #1 fine:

Average sour rate- 3

Average spine affect- 2

Mixture #2 fine

Average sour rate- 3.25

Average spine affect- 4

Mixture #2 course:

Average sour rate- 3.25

Average spine affec- 3.75

Mixture #3 course:

Average sour affect- 4

Average spine affect- 4.25

Mixture #3 fine:

Average sour affect- 4.5

Average spine affect- 4.25

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